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ICONS Infocom P.Ltd is an ISO 9001:2008 certified orgainsation, established & authorized Mumbai based national distributor having Pan-India presence for specialized softwares & hardware

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121VM USBAndrea Electronics has combined the benefits of PureAudio USB digital audio which includes Andrea's complete PureAudio™ Voice Solutions Software Suite (including Audio Commander, Voice Center and Pure Audio Technology) with our noise canceling PC headsets delivering a high fidelity audio experience with the highest voice recognition industry rating.

Andrea's PureAudio USB solution bypasses your desktop or laptop computer's integrated sound system, providing increased intelligibility and performance of microphone input and stereo speaker output for all of your digital audio applications including VoIP and speech recognition programs.

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  • Dr-Prashant-Dixit-Testimonial-001
  • Dr-Sudarshan-Rawat-Testimonial-001
  • Chennai-Referral-Adv.M.Jeyackumar.-B.A.B
  • DariusShroff-ReferralLetter
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DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd