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ICONS Infocom P.Ltd is an ISO 9001:2008 certified orgainsation, established & authorized Mumbai based national distributor having Pan-India presence for specialized softwares & hardware

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Dragon Dictate Wireless, Speech Recognition For Mac

Dragon Dictate Wirless - FInalWith Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 speech recognition software, you can use your voice to create and edit text or interact with your favourite Mac applications. Far more than just speech-to-text, Dragon Dictate lets you create and edit documents, manage email, surf the Web, update social networks and more – quickly, easily and accurately, all by voice. Open and close or navigate between applications or even create your own custom voice commands to execute multiple steps with a simple word or phrase. Use your iPhone or iPod as a wireless microphone or capture your notes on the go using a digital voice recorder and Dragon Dictate 3 will transcribe them for you.Recognition.


 The benefits


Dragon’s faster than ever. By taking advantage of the latest multi-core processors, correction and editing are easier.


Now with up to 99% accuracy, Dragon Dictate understands you so you get your words on the screen the way you intended.


Dragon has been tested on virtually all the apps and programs you use, so you can do what you want to do without a second thought.


Dragon is naturally intuitive, it doesn’t take time to learn. It works almost out-of-the-box so you can start saving time sooner.

Advanced correction

Correcting a word or phrase is a piece of cake. Dragon 12 includes more choices to make it quicker and easier to make a change.


Our Existing Users


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  • Dr-Sudarshan-Rawat-Testimonial-001
  • Chennai-Referral-Adv.M.Jeyackumar.-B.A.B
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DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd