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Vocabulary Editor

With the ability to set alternative written forms of words or phrases (e.g. color vs. colour) in Dragon Dictate for Mac 3, you have more say over how your words appear.

Enhanced Bluetooth Support

Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 adds support for wideband Bluetooth wireless headset microphones, and you can get up and running quickly. When it detects that the USB dongle of a certified microphone is plugged into the Mac, Dragon Dictate offers “Enhanced Bluetooth” as an audio source type and does not require a script reading to get started.

Interactive Tutorial

Displayed at the end of profile creation and available at any time from the Help menu, the Interactive Tutorial in Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 offers short progressive simulations to help you practice good dictation, correction and editing habits so that you can create text efficiently within just a few minutes. Even experienced Dragon Dictate users can benefit from the Interactive Tutorial.


Our Existing Users


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  • Dr-Prashant-Dixit-Testimonial-001
  • Dr-Sudarshan-Rawat-Testimonial-001
  • Chennai-Referral-Adv.M.Jeyackumar.-B.A.B
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