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ICONS Infocom P.Ltd is an ISO 9001:2008 certified orgainsation, established & authorized Mumbai based national distributor having Pan-India presence for specialized softwares & hardware

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Key Features

  • Superior word accuracy : Transform words on paper and in images to accurate text for the best conversion and archiving of any document.

  • Perfect Formatting : Converted documents look exactly like the original — complete with columns, tables, bullets, and graphics — and are easier to edit than ever before.

  • Simply the easiest to use : Converting documents doesn’t have to be complicated. The new Start Page gets it done in seconds so there’s no need to learn a lot of options and tools.

  • One click workflows : Use the built-in workflows or create your own to get recurring conversion jobs done with just a push of a button.

  • Unlock PDF Files : Use the eDiscovery Assistant to keep originally searchable content intact and process just the non-searchable elements. Now you don’t have to open PDF files one by one, or use an OCR process that might unintentionally wipe out valuable information.

  • Send to Amazon® Kindle® : Scan a document, automatically convert into a readable format and send it to the Amazon® Kindle® electronic book reader in one easy step.

  • Supports all your favourite applications : Supports the widest range of output formats, including PDF, Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint® (pptx), Corel® WordPerfect®, HTML, and many more formats.

  • Automatically process emailed documents : Now you can receive scanned papers or PDFs via Microsoft Outlook® email. OmniPage 18 will automatically convert them and save them in your preferred format.

  • Recognizes over 120 language : Process, edit and store documents from virtually anywhere in the world. OmniPage includes the recognition of languages based on the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets as well as the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words : Use images from iPhone®, iPad®, or a digital camera and convert them into a readable format for mobile devices and electronic book readers 

Our Existing Users


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  • Dr-Sudarshan-Rawat-Testimonial-001
  • Chennai-Referral-Adv.M.Jeyackumar.-B.A.B
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  • Referral-Adv
DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd