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Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4.2

  • Overview
  • Key Benefits
  • What's New

dmpe4Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4.2 speech recognition software is the fastest, most complete way for doctors to make clinical documentation instantly available and to cut down on document creation costs.

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4.2 makes it possible for you to eliminate administrative overhead and dictation costs to deliver better quality of care in the context of unprecedented financial challenge.By using Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4.2, doctors can use their voice to efficiently navigate clinical systems and dictate medical decisions and treatment plans directly into a patient’s electronic record. 

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4.2 allows doctors to dictate in their own words, generating ‘once and done’ documentation which they can dictate, edit and sign in succession. Doctors further accelerate the dictation process by operating macros to re-use frequently-dictated text. This approach dramatically reduces the time doctors spend documenting care.

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4.2 is the only product from the Dragon family that automatically encrypts all audio and text data, there- by supporting patient security and confidentiality, a necessity for all medical organisations. Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4.2 helps you to provide high quality care through more efficient and accurate clinical reporting.



  • Windows-based EMR systems
  • With a large medical vocabulary.
  • (See the list of Included Vocabulary)
  • Hidden Mode. (View Demo)
  • Indian Regional Accent support.
  • Variety of dictation input devices
  • Dictaphone PowerMic user interface
  • Free text dictation within EMR
  • Multiple language models
  • Flexible workflow options
  • Shortcuts/templates (View Demo)
  • Train word capability
  • Network-wide speech profiles
  • Ready to use out of the box
  • BlueTooth support
  • Voice macros

Dragon Medical Practice Edition  helps clinicians – including physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, therapists, and other care providers – efficiently navigate and dictate medical decision-making and treatment plans directly into a patient’s electronic record. Designed for small practices with 24 physicians or less, Dragon Medical Practice Edition helps practices:

  • Improve documentation
  • Eliminate transcription costs
  • Increase physician satisfaction
  • Enhance efficiency
  • Increase practice profitabilit


  • Improves the speed and accuracy of documentation
  • Accelerates physician EHR adoption
  • Dramatically reduces transcription costs
  • Allows physicians to spend more time with patients
  • Captures the patient story in the clinician’s own words
  • Supports higher level of reimbursement, lower number of denials
  • Improves clinician satisfaction
  • Supports HIPAA guidelines to protect patient confidentiality

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