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Dragon Legal Group

Dragon Legal Group Document Productivity Solution for Law Firms

Streamline legal documentation and improve client service and costs

Speed legal documentation turnaround times, eliminate transcription bottlenecks, and free support staff to focus on high-value, billable tasks with Dragon Legal Group, the enterprise-ready speech recognition solution for law firms or legal departments.


Let Dragon work for you

Get legal documents done faster

Built with a specialized legal vocabulary, streamline client and case documentation and improve productivity across the entire practice.

Reduce transcription costs

Dictate and transcribe audio files, pre-recorded recordings or podcast from a single speaker, or batch files of audio recordings.

Centrally manage across the entire practice

Easily manage user accounts and profiles, administrative settings, and custom commands practice-wide.


Improve practice productivity

Create and manage legal documentation with ease

Built with a specialized legal vocabulary, Dragon Legal Group enables fast, efficient and accurate dictation of documentation in the office or even while visiting clients. Robust transcription and powerful customizations can be easily shared and deployed across a practice or legal department.


      Enjoy accurate recognition of legal terms         Leverage Nuance Deep Learning technology      
        Enjoy accurate         Leverage Nuance Deep        
        Dragon Legal Groups' specialized legal vocabulary means professionals can dictate contracts, briefs, or format legal citations and other legal documentation, 3 times faster than typing, with up to 99% accuracy right from the first use.         With a next-generation speech engine powered by Nuance Deep Learning technology, Dragon achieves high recognition accuracy while dictating, even for users with accents or those working in open office or mobile environments; making it ideal for diverse work groups and settings.



        Enhance productivity for mobile employees         Eliminate or reduce transcription time and costs      
         Enhance productivity          Eliminate correduce        
        Use Dragon on popular touchscreen PCs, or sync with Dragon Anywhere Group, Nuance's cloud-based, professional-grade mobile dictation solution, and improve mobile documentation productivity.         Using Dragon, transcribe recorded notes or voice files of another single speaker into text quickly and easily, or use the Auto Transcribe Folder Agent (ATFA) to transcribe batch files of audio recordings.        



        Reduce repetitive stress injuries (RSIs)         Automate repetitive workflows and improve efficiency        
        Reduce repetitive          Automate repetitive        
        Reduce the symptoms of RSIs or proactively prevent further injuries. Enable legal professionals to create documents and perform other computer tasks - all by voice, and reduce the physical strain of typing.         Create custom voice commands to insert standard clauses into documents. Or create time-saving macros to automate multi-step workflows by voice. Once created, share customizations across the user community for efficiency gains          



        Centrally manage for significant costs savings
        Empower employees with a Nuance PowerMic option        
         Centrally manage          Empower employees        
        The Nuance Management Center makes it easy to track employee usage of Dragon, redistribute licenses based on usage, and manage or share customizations, including custom words, commands and auto-texts, across multiple users.         PowerMic is faster and more convenient than using a headset microphone, is ideal for on-the-go situations or for high levels of dictation. Users can switch back and forth between dictation and other tasks, or program buttons to automate steps such as advancing sequentially through form fields.        
        Specialized legal vocabulary         Powerful transcription        
        Put legal terminology to work right away          Save time and reduce costs associated with transcription        
        Dragon Legal Group’s legal-specific language model is designed for terminology used in the industry. Made more accurate by a built-in legal vocabulary trained using more than 400 million words from legal documents, it delivers optimal recognition accuracy for dictation of legal terms right from the start. Dragon Legal Group also enables automatic formatting of legal citations and easy correction to speed document turnaround and free support staff to focus on higher value tasks.                Use powerful transcription tools to eliminate transcription bottlenecks, cut reliance on outsourced services, and reallocate support staff to more high-value, billable tasks Legal professionals can use the Auto Transcribe Folder Agent (ATFA) to transcribe batch files of audio recordings. With no training required, and a new fast, post-recognition process that automatically applies basic punctuation, save the time and costs associated with outsourced transcription, and reduce back and forth editing for even faster document turnaround.               


Nuance Management Center 

Centrally manage Dragon Legal licenses

Nuance Management Center (NMC) makes it easy to track usage and centrally manage both Dragon Legal Group and Dragon Professional Group licenses, user accounts and profiles, administrative settings and custom words and commands across the enterprise. Dragon Legal Group or Dragon Professional Group speech recognition software, coupled with NMC and goal-driven project management and services, provides a complete solution that increases legal documentation productivity and minimizes support costs to ultimately allow attorneys to spend more time with clients.

info dragon legal group management center en us

Our Existing Users


  • Apollo

  • Bombay-High-Court

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  • IIM

  • infosys

  • ISB


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  • Dr-Prashant-Dixit-Testimonial-001
  • Dr-Sudarshan-Rawat-Testimonial-001
  • Chennai-Referral-Adv.M.Jeyackumar.-B.A.B
  • DariusShroff-ReferralLetter
  • Little--Co-recommendation-letter
  • Referral-Little--Co-ZM
  • Referral-Little--Co-JK
  • Referral-HYD-Adv
  • Referral-Adv1
  • Referral-Adv.R.V
  • Referral-Adv
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