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ICONS Infocom P.Ltd is an ISO 9001:2008 certified orgainsation, established & authorized Mumbai based national distributor having Pan-India presence for specialized softwares & hardware

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Benefits in detail

  • Ignite a more enjoyable pc experience

Dragon Home takes your spoken words and intelligently transcribes them into text. Simply speak and watch your words appear on your computer screen. The software is easy to install and simple to use and makes even mundane PC tasks faster and more enjoyable.


  • Ignite creativity by capturing your spoken thoughts

Transform your ideas into text at the speed of thought; don’t let typing, touch screen PCs, spelling, or fear of the blank page slow you down. Simply speak and let Dragon capture your thoughts quickly and accurately, so you’ll never lose track of another great idea.Capture your thoughts quickly and completely, without having to keep your eyes fixed on the screen or hands on the keyboard.


  • Ignite productivity by turning talk into text

Turn talk into text - three times faster than typing - with up to 99% recognition accuracy right out of the gate. Create and edit documents, dictate homework assignments, send emails, update social posts and more. Dragon Home adapts to your voice and the words you use to deliver better recognition results over time. You can even have Dragon learn new words as you make document corrections. Dragon also adapts its format rules by detecting your format corrections – abbreviations, numbers and more — so your dictated text looks the way you want it to every time.

  • Ignite convenience by using your favourite applications

In addition to Dragon Pad, the built-in text editor, you can use Dragon Home with popular Windows applications. Dictate documents with Full Text Control in Microsoft Word, send email in Microsoft Outlook, search the Web using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, post to Facebook or Twitter and more - all by voice.


  • Ignite comfort and freedom

With Dragon Home, you can help prevent repetitive stress injuries by using your PC in a comfortable, ergonomic way without being tied to your keyboard and mouse. Launch applications, select menu items, “press” keys and switch from one window to another using simple voice commands. You can even select from multiple microphone options, including Bluetooth, plug-in headset, or even the microphone built right into your Windows PC/tablet.


Our Existing Users


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