Tips for Improving Hygiene With Your Philips Dictation Products

Tips for improvinPhilips SpeechMike Dictation Microphones come with a special hygienic housing, ideally suitable for the medical environment. The surface physically hinders the colonization of germs and thus improves the efficiency of the usual measures for disinfecting the device. Here are three ways Philips SpeechMikes help protect medical staff every day:

Prevents Breeding Ground for Germs The hygienic plastic housing of the Philips SpeechMike has been tested according to the high-quality standards of ISO 846:2019 (effect of microorganisms on plastics).


Making a case: Voice Technology & Legal Documentation

Making a case VoiceDocumentation captures a moment in time, and the memorization of content provides an accurate account of events. For legal documentation in particular; accuracy can have significant ramifications, especially when it comes to materials used in litigation, from briefs, case matter, to discovery, and more.

While the parsing out of legal documents can take many forms, filter through a variety of platforms, and be distributed across different work groups and teams,


Mastering Virtual Teams

MasteringVirtual teams have long been a reality in many companies. People work together across different locations, areas, time zones or even countries and are dependent on the appropriate communication technology. Large international companies have long since taken advantage of this form of collaboration in order to pool know-how from around the world or to be available to their customers 24/7. Here are a few tips on how to overcome those challenges and master virtual teams:


Dragon Medical Practice Edition and EHR

Dragon Medical PracticeDigital documentation of everyday data is a common practice nowadays in all the sectors. Accepting the new changes, the health sector has also adopted the digital documentation of the patient’s data with electronic health record systems, commonly abbreviated as EHR. The EHR streamlines the workflow of a clinician, providing him with more detail and organised information regarding the patient’s progress. But maintaining and recording the data for an EHR system may get time consuming. This is where Dragon Medical Practice Edition may help in.


Too Much On Their Plates

Too Much On Their PlatesTime is the most valuable assets for the human being yet most of us find It extremely difficult to manage it properly. Most of us are unhappy the way we manage our time. Words like stress, overburden, and exhaustion are part of common lexicon of our daily life. Much of the stress we have due to pending task than from those accomplished.

The Medical Professions are under a lot of duress due to the higher numbers of patient around the globe. It is pertinent and indispensable to ease life of medical professionals with the help of right technology.


Healthcare Must be Productive and Efficient to be Profitable

Healthcare Must beProductivity and efficiency go hand in hand, if you have one but not the other, your business could be suffering. More importantly, the people you service may be suffering even more.  Let's just look at the definitions:

Productive - Of or involved in the creation of goods and services to produce wealth or value. It is based on output per unit of time.


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