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ICONS Infocom P.Ltd is an ISO 9001:2008 certified orgainsation, established & authorized Mumbai based national distributor having Pan-India presence for specialized softwares & hardware

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Seamless Deployment

Customizable Functionality* PowerPDFAdvanced Box

Supports Windows Terminal Services (WTS) and Citrix deployments and offers a configurator tool that enables your IT to choose the functionality that works for your users.

Customizable Workflows*

Includes an API layer for controlling functions within the application so you can create custom-coded workflows that align with internal policies and procedures.

Value and Accessibility

Flexible licensing programs with no seat counting or auditing enables you to predict your budget for your PDF needs, while offering significant cost savings.

Unmatched Support

Responsive technical support is available via phone and email. Nuance also offers a robust self-help knowledge base available online to mitigate additional burden on IT.

* Available in Power PDF Advanced only                                                       Visit here for more information: www.powerpdf.co.in                                                                                                                                                                             

Our Existing Users


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